Hi friends,

This week I launched my first ever info product, a course on how to make a podcast in 2 hours or less a week. It was an absolute blast. In the first few days it made over $700, and from idea to launch in just 2 weeks, I was pretty pleased with that outcome.

I wasn’t completely happy with the launch day, only making $130, but sales have been trickling in since then and I’m feeling the effects of “build once, sell twice” for the first time. It feels pretty bloody good.

If you’re interested, here’s the steps I took to launch in 2 weeks:

  1. I wrote an outline in 20 minutes on a Friday evening.
  2. On Saturday I wrote the landing page copy and published the Gumroad listing. I then wrote the first half of the course.
  3. Then on Sunday I finished up the written portion and shot most of part 1.
  4. Monday I was planning to launch, but I delayed it a week because I hadn’t got part 2 sorted.
  5. The next Friday I started again. The second part of the course I was making a podcast from scratch.
  6. Saturday I shot the first half of that, recording episode 1. Then on Sunday I recorded the second half and started editing.
  7. Monday was launch day (for real this time). I finished the templates, made a bunch of branded assets (like the thumbnail below) and hit the launch button.

It was all pretty good fun.

My updates 🚀

What have I worked on and shipped this week?

  • 🎙️ I published an Indie Bites episode with Fathom co-founder, Jack Ellis
  • 📈 Indie Bites had it’s best month ever in October, crossing 3.5k downloads this month
  • 🛠️ Built a podcast studio in my cupboard
  • 💸 Launched my podcast course that’s made $711 so far
  • 🚀 Started another podcast, Impactful, as part of my course
  • 🐦 I’ve grown 241 Twitter followers, which is +478% on the previous month. Tweet impressions are up +662% to 240,754. Pretty cool.

In other news 🗞️

This section is going to be a curation of things I’ve found interesting that week. It could be from the internet, or from real life 🤯

  • 📚 Started reading Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, recommended to me by Harry Dry. So far, it’s feeling life a perspective changer.
  • 📹 Watched Nobody with Bob Odenkirk (Better Call Saul) and loved every second of it. Just had a big grin on my face as this standard lad goes John Wick on everyone. Funny dialogue, was gripped throughout.
  • 🕰️ Bought Steph Smith’s Doing Time Right course (justified it as research for my own) and have been enjoying the format. Certainly saved me time with automations already.
  • 🎧 Also listened to Steph’s pod she co-hosts with Calvin Rosser, Shit You Don’t Learn in School (great name), and loved their episode reflecting on 30 days of podcasting. Really outlined the extra benefits of podcasting you don’t usually hear about.

From your fellow indie hacker,

James 😄