I’m sitting here in my flat with my friend Charlie co-working. It’s been a brilliant day. Nice to have someone with you, in-person, as you work through your projects (especially as an indie founder).

I’ve been more productive today than I have been in a while and it feels great. I managed to publish an episode of my podcast, Indie Bites, and written notes for a recording tomorrow.

My final task of the day was to get a blog post outline written for my podcast editing service, PodPanda. But I’ve been procrastinating.

It seems when I’m out of the writing habit, I find it hard to start. So here I am writing the thoughts that are in my head with the hope of hitting that publish button. Working that publishing muscle again.

It got me thinking about how much I thrive off creating content. Well, how much I’ve thrived in the past. Ever since I was 14, in my bedroom at home making FIFA videos, I’ve loved making content. I want to get back to it. Written content like this on my personal blog and more educational posts for PodPanda. Then back to YouTube videos.

I made a promise earlier in the year that I’d make 52 YouTube videos this year. It was certainly on my mind that I wanted to create video content again. I’ve made three. I felt good when I made both of those videos so I’m wondering why I stopped? Is it still possible to get somewhat near that goal this year?

Interestingly, last year when I was feeling burnt out with content, I made some YouTube videos on my motorbike YouTube channel - it felt great.

So I know that I feel great when I make content, either written or videos, so I want to make some more of it.

Take this post as a public note to self. I miss creating content and I want to do more of it.